It’s About Time?

Hun? What do you mean, “it’s about time?”

Of course it’s about time; it’s always about time.

What time is it about?

The end of time starts at the beginning.

Do I have time for breakfast?

Time is of the essence.

But, you didn’t answer my question.

Yes I did.

Somehow I don’t find that very appetizing. 



Murder by Server

Oh dear, that sounds pretty bad. What are you talking about?

I forgot what a pain in the ass it can be to manually install a cheap SSL certificate on Godaddy linux hosting.

So why did you do it and why do you call this post, “Murder by Server?” 

Number one to save $$$ ????!  $70 a year is crazy for a Godaddy DV certificate, (about $10 from Comodo)  and number  two… more later

Breaking Addiction Taking One Fake Sugar @ A Time

Huh… what does that mean?

Living 1 @ A Time







Oh dear, you really are confused. Addiction to what exactly?

It’s just a new method of fooling the perpetual thought machine.

What’s the perpetual thought machine, and why would you want to fool it? 

You already know what it is; it’s that thing in my head, of which you are a part. It’s that “curtain” we all want to see behind. You always act like you don’t know what’s going on, but you are in the fabric of the curtain. I want to see the weaver, or more precisely I want to be the weaver.

What makes you think you can “be” the weaver?  For all you know, you might just “be” a weasel. 

Ah ha, that it. The wonderful weasel of oz.



WTF = not doing much here…

So, how come you’re not doing ANYTHING here?

Too much “stuff” going on in “real life.”

Real life? 

Yeah you know; what I’m doing when I’m not here.

here, here let’s hear it for real life. What exactly is going on out there? 

“It’s far out man.” Farther out then I’m comfortable going.

Okay you’re speaking in riddles; should I get ready for more time travel trivia?

I wish… however, one thing happening is my ability to juggle more than one or two balls at the same time appears to have evaporated. Single events take up all my time.




Well… It’s Worse Then A Sprained Ankle

That was more than a month ago; so how come you’re still talking about it?

It turns out it’s “posterior tibial tendonitis,” and so far it’s only getting worse. Back and forth to doctors for X-rays and the latest “look see” was an MRI. The giant boot initially prescribed for me was unusable, because it throws off my other foot/leg. I am trying to remind myself to be thankful for the good things I have; however, if I didn’t come from a long line of “buckuppers” I’d be lost.

Wouldn’t you say you’ve always been a bit lost?

Ha, Ha. At this point that’s not even funny. It’s more like I’m stranded here.

And what exactly do you mean by stranded? 

Unfortunately I selected an age on the dial which put me in a semi dementia state, and I just can’t remember where I left my time machine. In other words I’ve misplaced it…

Body of Christ

What are you talking about?

in my pocket






What’s that? I still don’t get it.

There is a tiny wafer (see arrow.)  When/if you take communion, the priest gives it to you.

Well, so what? Why do you still have it? Aren’t you supposed to eat it?

“Technically” you are supposed to eat it, but I found it tasted like cardboard or styrofoam. Since I found out it tasted so awful, I can’t bear to eat it.

So what do you do with it?

I surreptitiously slip it into my pocket. Hence, I have the body of Christ and the bread of heaven in my pocket.

Don’t you think that’s blasphemy? And it’s not in your pocket anymore; it’s lying on the celestial navigation thing, or whatever it is.

No, it’s self preservation. And oh, think about it celestial is an appropriate place to put down roots.

AhO… where are you going with this? Put down roots? What?

Sprained Ankle Sprains Brain

What does that mean…? Exactly

It’s not good.

Well I didn’t think so; although my brain seems to working correctly.

There’s a Joani Mitchell lyric on the title song of the “Big Yellow Taxi” album, and it says, “You don’t know what you’ve got, till it’s gone.”  So, I’ve added that line to the words I live by. There are 2 more lines in my book of words to live by. One of them is “Wherever you go, there you are;” I don’t know the origin of those words. The other is, “Now will never come again,” and those words when first heard by me were spoken by Jean-Luc Picard, (Patrick Steward) a Star Trek captain. The words to live by book, of course remains unfinished…

What does all that have to do with, “Sprained Ankle Sprains Brain?

After the sprained ankle, and the loss of my ability to walk properly (pain free), I soon realized just how marvelous that was. When I finally recover my unappreciated ability, I hope never to go that way again. I think, “Wherever you go, there you are,” and “Now will never come again” are 2 sides of the same coin. AaHa… maybe we could sell it as cryptocurrency. See that’s a bit of a brain sprain, like a bitcoin.

You know sometimes you’re just plain silly. So much so, I have no words for it; let alone questions.




One of Those Nights

What kind of night are you blathering about?

Hey wait a minute; I don’t blather. I’d rather…

Oh no, here it goes. Watch out… It’s liable to turn into word salad any time you’re not paying attention. Is “those” a homophone?  

No, but I thought it was for a moment, and please don’t ask me why. “Those nights” are the nights when you wakeup at 1:00 AM, and toss around for an hour or more. Finally you leap out of bed; throwing covers and nagging thoughts to the side. However, then I must deal with my kitty cat Luna, and she expects to be fed. Just like those nagging thoughts, she keeps popping up in unexpected places.

What unexpected places?

The Luna Program:
function fed me;
if UnderDesk = mess with DSL phone line connection;
else if TopDesk = go behind display;
else if workTable = throw usb flash drives to floor;

if UnderDesk TopDesk and WorkTable = 0;
race madly from room to room; End if;

You do know that’s not really code, right?

Luna doesn’t care if there are errors in the code. That’s the source code she came with. Who am I to dispute the ultimate designer?

Hey wait a minute; I ask the questions around here.


All Good Now

So this site is setup and functioning perfectly. The WordPress install was done manually, and the plugins I need have been downloaded and activated. SSL certificate installed on Godaddy hosting.

How come you installed it manually, rather use the Godaddy WordPress App?

Moving a WordPress site made with the Godaddy App is a pain in the ass to bring over, if you change from Godaddy to a different hosting server. Rediculous! Check out this WP beginner info to see what I mean. My motto like the girl/boy scouts is “Be Prepared;” so… just don’t go there.